
person using computer to donate


The Community Place relies on donations like yours to make sure we are able to provide the best programs and services possible. Comprehensive after-school activities to keep youth safe and prepare them for college and work, Universal Pre-Kindergarten programming to give young children the head start they need, support services for elders that help them live at home longer, adequate and affordable housing that gives a family the ability to stop the cycle of transience and become a part of the community- all these services and many, many more will benefit from your contribution!

You can donate to The Community Place a few different ways:

young boy making peace sign with fingers


Click on the Donate button below to donate money online using your credit card, debit card, or checking account.

Note: Clicking this button will take you to our PayPal site, a secure service for donating money online. You DO NOT need a PayPal account to make a donation. If you do not have a PayPal account and don’t want to set one up, follow the instructions for entering your donation amount, then click “Continue” under “Don’t Have a PayPal Account?” on the left-hand side of the page.


Our online payment plans allow you to quickly and easily set up monthly recurring payments that automatically deduct a set amount each month. This option allows you to continue your support for The Community Place all year long. You can stop these payments at any time by following the online PayPal instructions or by calling us at 585-327-7200. We currently have payment plans available for $10, $25, $50, or $100 per month. If you would like to donate a different amount each month please let us know.

$10 Per Month:
$25 Per Month:
$50 Per Month:
$100 Per Month:


Donations can be mailed to:
The Community Place
Attn:  Development
57 Central Park
Rochester, NY 14605.

Please feel free to contact us at 585-327-7200 with any questions.
You can also support The Community Place with an in-kind donation. Please contact us to learn more.